
Generally, grants are only awarded for emergency situations beyond the Covered Employee’s control that have caused financial hardship to the Covered Employee or the Covered Employee’s Family Unit. When making award decisions, the Foundation will consider whether the Covered Employees have exhausted all other means of obtaining financial assistance for that emergency situation. Examples of qualifying hardships may include, but are not limited to, fire, natural disasters (such as flood or tornado), theft or loss of essential property or primary residence, death within the Covered Employee’s Family Unit, accident, illness, disability, etc.

Situations that are generally not eligible for award consideration include debt repayment or consolidation, litigation, poor financial planning, divorce, non-receipt of child support, medical needs for which charity hospital care is available, non-essential items (e.g. cable TV, cell phones, credit card payments, etc.), expenses related to vehicles/repairs, general dentistry, bail, garnishments, judgments, travel expenses for funerals, child care, or other expenses derived from non-emergency situations.

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